An experienced and motivated marketing mentor to steer you and your business in the right direction
The pace of change is so phenomenal in the digital world that even Digital Marketers struggle to keep up at times, so we can only imagine how overwhelming it is for companies and individuals who are perhaps at an earlier stage of getting to grips with it all.
When you’re trying to get your next digital project off the ground – whether it be the launch of a new website, identifying and implementing tactics to increase traffic to your website, launching a new product range online, or promoting an event, you will be faced with many of the same challenges as other companies.
You want to co-ordinate and deliver activity yourself to keep costs down but you already have a whole host of other activities on your to-do list that stretch you beyond your current working hours and limit your ability to keep new projects moving along at the pace they should.
You’re not familiar with digital platforms, tools and local industry experts so figuring out what you need is difficult enough, never mind identifying the right people to make up your delivery team and get things happening
Perhaps it’s just not your thing! A big part of making any project a success is having a passion for what you do. This is what keeps us focused on tackling the challenges, coming up with the right solutions, meeting deadlines and achieving results when others are tempted to give up and decide it’s just not doable!
Hire Me As Your Digital Marketing Mentor
As your mentor, I will keep you focused on the priorities but will not do all of the work for you! A Digital Marketing Manager will help you to get the best results from yourself or your existing team.